Thursday, June 5, 2008

8 months

The boys are now 8 months old, so here is their update:

Skyler is still just so extremely happy it makes us smile so much. Towards the end of the month he started to clap which was super exciting, and he also started to scoot. So he is catching up with his brother. He is probably around 21-22 pounds, and looks like such a big boy. He is sitting very well on his own, and still likes to talk to himself.

Connor is crawling, or rather, scooting into everything. We can not turn our backs on him for a second. He got his 2 bottom teeth this month, so that was an exciting couple of days. He still has no interest at all in sitting, but why would he want to sit still if he can just crawl everywhere. Connor is also a happy boy weighing in at about 18-19 pounds, he is a lightweight compared to Skyler.

We have taken the boys swimming a couple of times, and they loved it. David was a little upset when I dunked them in the water, but I don't think they minded, though one time Connor came up and had pooped all over, I guess you could say it scared the poop out of him. I did cool to keep them from getting sunburned, but neglected to do the same for myself.

David got them these CUTE Batman PJ's that they just look adorable in, but I lost one of the capes :(


Jenny said...

Looking good! (you too David) Your boys are so cute. We can't wait to see them again in a couple of weeks.

Jossie said...

Cute! Love the batman PJ's

JenWood said...

Those PJs are adorable... The boys are so cute.. I can't believe they are so big.

Steffani said...

First of all I am glad to see that I am finally on your blog list. Second, I have to meet your boys! They're way too cute!