Wednesday, July 2, 2008


The boys are now 9 months old and virtually UNSTOPPABLE!!! I always thought that children were supposed to develop, advance and learn at the same rate, and it took my TWINS to totally prove me wrong. You would think that if ANY two kids should develop the same, it would be twins, right..... WRONG!!!! Our boys are so totally different, it isn't even funny... well actually it is.

First lets start with the similarities: They are both crawling, or scooting, both like hand clappers as their toy of choice. They both talk a lot, both like the water, love to smile and laugh, steal each other toys, and other baby's toys. Oh.... side bar... I have learned that twins are really good about getting their toys taken away, they don't care if I do, dad does it, brother, or anybody. But the problem is, they have no sense of territory, so they will just go and take somebody else's toy. I think I might have two kleptos on my hands! They also are both interested in their surroundings. Both Connor and Skyler are now reaching for us to pick them up, which is kinda cool. Oh, and they both are starting on the separation anxiety stuff, along with jealousy over my attention, and it is driving me BONKERS!

Now for Skyler... Skyler is still just the happiest little boy, He got his 2 bottom teeth this month. He learned how get into the sitting position by himself. He loves books, he always goes for books on the ground, and loves to be read to and flipping the pages. He is kind of starting to give me hugs. Skyler learned how to clap last month, and this month he learned how to do it on demand, we either say, "clap, clap, clap" or "Yeah" very enthusiastically and he will clap. He interacts with me a little more than Connor, who is always on the go. Skyler is starting to learn how to pick up finger food and put it in his mouth.

Connor is so interested in everything around him. He wants to know how it all works. He is fascinated by handles and such. He wants to know if he pulls on it, what will happen. He is constantly opening drawers and cupboards, draining the tub when he takes a bath, and other stuff. He is also doing very well with finger foods (the little puffs, not quite ready for adult food yet), and getting them to his mouth. He pulls himself up on everything and anything he can, and even tries to climb it if he can. In the last few days he has started to crawl up on his knees. Oh, and he is FINALLY getting hair, not much to brag about though. He still loves his walker, but has started to loose interest in the jumper... for the time being. He is finally sitting up on his own now!

Both of the boys fell asleep in the funniest positions the other day, so I had to share

I also feel the need to gloat that I ran more miles than David in the month of June. I topped off the month with 52.8 miles and David had 48.52. Both of us should be doing better than that, but it is a work in progress. If you would like to ever check out our running progress you can visit Cassie's running blog or David's running blog.


Steffani said...

Your boys are so stinkin' cute!!! I can't stand it and I can't wait to meet them someday!

Sylvia said...

I can't believe how big your boys are getting. It is funny how different kids are. It would be more noticable as you watch them side by side. What cute personalities they seem to have. Hopefully we will get to see them again sometime soon.

Laundry said...

cassie.. you are like my favorite.. haha. I'm not really a man's lady.. but ok. I'll take it. hahaha. those boys of yours are freakin ADORABLE!!!!!! I WANT TO MEET THEM ALREADY!!! you better bring them out sometime this year.. while they are still young enough to not run away from me.. cause that would make me sad. haha

luv you muches!!!! :)

Jossie said...

I love those funny sleeping positions. So different from Tyler. He's a tummy sleeper and a light sleeper at that.

Stephanie said...

Your boys are SO cute! I'm just peeking at your blog from Londi's blog. How does your little guy sleep folded in half like that? Amazing! Sounds like an adventure at your home. Fun pictures! Come check our Gerald's and my blog (really MY blog!) when you get a chance. I'm in the 'boys club' with you -- we have 4, 5 if you count Gerald!!