The boys are growing up SO much lately it is amazing. they are learning to communicate with us which is AWESOME. They are also learning to play with eachother more and more every day. Skyler is super good at helping me clean up, but Connor needs a little work on that. Connor makes the messes and Skyler cleans them up.
Right now the boys are really in to stickers, especially Skyler. They help at church for sure, but sometimes this is how he ends up.

They also like to climb in things still. The newest thing they have found it is to empty out the linen closet, and climb in there.

24th of July
We did our own little firework show on our driveway for the boys. Connor was scared silly, and didn't really care for the loud noises at first. Skyler was scared a little at first, then came around, but didn't want to leave my side.

Splash Pad Fun
We have taken the boys to the splash pad near our home a couple times. We like to go to this one because it isn't really busy. It is hit-n-miss on if they will like the water that day, which is another reason we like this one because they have a fun park not 15 yards from the splash pad. There is lots of grass for the boys to run around, a basketball court to play with daddy, and a pickle ball court that they like to run around in. Yeah, we like to come here, if for anything else to wear the boys out!



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