Monday, June 4, 2007

Shock is FINALLY wearing off

Well, it has been over a week, and the shock of having twins is finally starting to wear off. It took a while, but we are finally adjusting to the idea. We have started to clean out the guest room to make room for not one, but two cribs. Thus the guest room gets moved to the den. Where will the den be going..... that is still up to debate.

I am starting to show, and having a hard time hiding the fact that I am pregnant anymore. But, for having twins, I would say I don't look that bad. Haven't had to break out to many of the maternity clothes.

We are excited to have these two boys come into our home. For the first few days after we found out though, "SHOCK" was an understatement. We found relief in taking a retreat up to my family cabin in Hatch, UT. We would just be sitting around doing nothing, and then David would start to chuckle, I would look at him, and I would start to laugh... mixed with a few tears of course. All we could say is, "we are having twins." I think we found the best way of copping with it for those few days was to just joke and laugh about it.

Anyway, we are excited, and having fun preparing for these guys. Thanks for all your support!


Jenny said...

Your welcome, and we want you to know that we will always be here to help you out in any way that we can.

And Elizabeth is very excited to be able to babysit 2 kids when she's old enough to fly out there and babysit. (-: (That's what she told me.)

Kara said...

I am Jenny's cousin and I have two year old twin girls. They are fun but the real shock will come when the twins are born and you have two babies to take home. That is when it will really hit you. Also when you are out buying baby items be sure to ask if the store offers a twin discount. I know Osh Kosh and Babies R Us offers a 10% or 15% discount on items purchased for twins. Good luck!!