Saturday, August 16, 2008

A good day!!!

What an AWESOME day!

As most parents know... kids are tough! The twins are getting so mobile, it is driving us bonkers. I can not tell you how many times in one day we have to yell at the boys, "NO" for hitting the television or something of the sort. Anyway... needless to say, things have been crazy! But today.... today was a good day!

It started off with David getting the boys out of bed, and we got them up and had breakfast. I took the boys to the splash pad, which was SUPER entertaining! It was a little cooler than I thought. I started the water, while the boys were crawling around. They enjoyed it for a bit (like 2 minutes), and then I think Connor got cold. I held Connor, but Skyler was having WAY too much fun, and I couldn't end it. So Connor and I stood close by and watched Skyler chase the water spouts. The spouts rotate, so when one would turn off, Skyler would listen and look for the next one, and jet on over to it. And I am not saying he would just sit by it, he was full on, under it, like he was taking a shower. He made me laugh SO hard. I was mad I didn't have the camera :(

This outing was then followed up by a 2 hour nap... need I say more! Then lunch and the grocery store, where I found avocados for $.50. Connor has decided that now that I WANT him to eat finger foods, he doesn't want to. SUPER picky, SUPER annoying, and he once liked avocados when Papa and Grandma Teresa brought us like 30. We came back and then a 1 hour nap. Then dinner... the struggle of my life with Connor... who ate like 1/3 of the avocado and 2 vienna sausages! David had to go up to Cedar to fulfill his son/grandson-ly duty, leaving me with the kids. Not a big deal at all, but I was alone with them for the rest of the night... a whole... 2 hours :)

I decided that before the kids would go to bed, I would try to find some church clothes because anything that fits Skyler around the waist is too long, and anything that fits Connor around the waist are floods. So I left the kids in the front room briefly while I went and surveyed the clothes status, when..... I hear..... laughing, not from one, but from BOTH of the kids at the same time. This surprised me to hear both of them, so I went out and saw my boys totally playing together, and laughing. From the pictures you can see they were playing around the excersaucer. One would be in the saucer, the other would be out playing Peek-A-Boo (their version at least). Then they would both be in, and then one out and one in! This went on for about 5-10 minutes! So awesome, I loved it!

Now they are both in bed asleep, and it is my turn to sleep in tomorrow!

Since I am posting I thought I would add a few more pictures!

For our anniversary we
went down to Vegas (we were there anyway for some other stuff) and got a hotel. My mom (Grandma Carma) brought the boys over in the morning along with my brother and 3 boys and my bro-in-law and 1 of his boys. We all went swimming... super fun. Anyway, this is a picture of my mom and the boys. I took like 5 pictures and I found it funny that the ONE where both boys were looking... my mom wasn't!

This is the type of stuff I am dealing with here!

David had to leave town for a day for work, and the boys missed him. When he got home that night he went to check on the boys, Connor instinctively knew David was in the room I guess and woke up. He got to spend a little one-on-one daddy time before going back to bed.

Another long, wordy blog... sorry guys!

Question... if you made it this far :) I have heard about Blogger making books out of your blogs, anybody know anything about that?


Brynn said...

I bet you are going bonkers! I went bonkers at that age with only one. I haven't seen Conner for a long time; he is just a! I love the exersaucer pictures! I'll see you tomorrow :)

Laundry said...

Since when did Aunt Carma not look at a camera??? I mean seriously!!! hahahaha. (had to comment on that!) Your boys are absolutely adorable... I still need to meet them...and you need to come out here... cause..... when was the last time I saw you again? haha.

I bet that was fun to have some one on one with dad..haha. I used to have one on one naps with my dad. Not really one on one time.. But naps are the coolest, so..................................... haha

Glad you had a good day too. I also had a great day.

JanEtta said...

The pics are really cute. I'm glad you were able to go to Vegas and have a little anniversary time and that your mom could watch the boys for a while. It's fun to watch little kids learn to play with each other. Simon and Daniel play dogpile and then when Daniel's not around, the dog has to play dogpile too.

Sylvia said...

The pictures of your boys are very cute! As time goes on you will have more and more good days as your boys play together more. It was great seeing you and getting to visit with you last weekend. Hope we can do it again soon.

JenWood said...

Cute pictures Cass... Your mom told me the story about Connor and Skyler playing with each other.. Thats great! I love it..

Someone also told me that Blogger will make a book for you at the end of each year.. I don't know anything more than that.. so if you get more info..let me know.

Steffani said...

You're such a cute mommy! Gotta love avocados!!!

Mik'L said...

I just wanted to prove that I really did read this! ha!

Mik'L said...

By the friend Abby has her blogs made in to books.

joellen said...

Love your blog Cassie ... your mom gave me the website so I can check on the twins progress. Keep up the good work! JoEllen Swarts

Brittney said...

So having a little kick off party for one tree hill would be sweet. I am excited to see what happens hopefully we wont be disappointed. I will call you and we can set more definate plans