Saturday, December 27, 2008

December at a glance

David ran the Las Vegas Marathon with our brother-in-law, Heber, what an accomplishment for them both! My sister, her son, and I went and met up with them at a couple different places, including our old High School, as they ran by. We saw lots of Elvis runners, as well as people in costume: super heroes, Santas. etc. There was even a Santa passing out candy to the kids on the way.

The boys start making even more messes, and getting into EVERYTHING. Nothing is off limits to my new walkers and climbers. Here they are in our treat drawer, and Connor even managed to get a KitKat open and started eating.... I went ahead an let him finish it!

Here they dumped a box of cereal on the floor and started eating it. You can't really tell, but Skyler has a huge knot/bruise on his forehead and his nose is read. He took a spill down my cousin's stairs, she said he was quite the trooper. He came away with the bruise and a floor burn down his face.

Skyler has been obsessed with wearing shoes, as soon as he sees them he brings them to you and wants you to put them on.

If you haven't heard already... It snowed in St. George, so we let the boys go out and play for a bit. I think Skyler enjoyed it a bit more than Connor.

Took some family photos.

Pictures with Santa. Connor was a little scared, so David went with them.

Boys LOVE bubble baths now.

We forgot our camera when we went down to Las Vegas for Christmas, but we had a blast with Cassie's family. We played an adult game of Yankee Swap, or White Elephant, with $10 gifts. The funniest/best gift, believe it or not, was a live mouse in a little aquairium, we laughed SO hard! The boys got this little trampoline that they love! They already kinda have the hang of timing their jumps, it is so fun to watch them.


Laundry said...

a live mouse??? are you freakin serious??? THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!!! I NEVER would have thought of that!!! haha who's idea was it??

Melissa said...

I love the bath pictures! So adorable! I have missed our get together this month! We are so on for next month! I know the other Mom's are anxious too. Hope you had a great Christmas...I will call you soon.

joellen said...

Happy New Year! I love watching the boys grow ... I can see you're a very busy mom, such fun ?!?! They are really cute!