Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Well, I browsed a couple different people's blogs today now that I have my list on here (yipee, finally, way overdue) Anyway, I noticed a lot of people did stuff for Father's day, so I just thought I would wish my hubby a Happy Father's Day! He loves the kids so much, and he is getting to enjoy them more now that they are a little more interactive.

Connor crawls everywhere, pulls himself up to stand on everything. Falls and bonks his head on the floor, or whatever. He has quite a few marks to prove it! Today he made me laugh SO hard. We bought a little walker for the boys to stand in. I will use it when I am in the kitchen. They haven't been too interested in it the month we have had it, but the last few days Connor has really taken to it. Well, Connor walked over to the trash can and bumped it into the open kitchen. He would back up, and RUN full force into the trash can to make it move 2-3 feet, once his momentum stopped, he would back up and do it again. He did this 4-5 times until the trash can hit Sklyer who was innocently crawling around. It was SO funny.

Skyler finally had a tooth break through today. He is getting really into books. He loves to look and them and to be read to. He also loves the water. When I give the boys a bath, I bathe them together, but if there isn't anybody around to help once they are done, I will just drain the water, get one out and let the other play in the empty tub while I get the other ready for bed. I figure it is about the same as them being in a play pen or something. Anyway, I pulled Connor out first because he was pulling himself up to stand in the tub, and would slip, and slide down the side of the tub, quite entertaining to watch, but I figured without supervision, it probably shouldn't continue. Anyway as I was wrestling with Connor to get him dressed, I could hear Sklyer blowing bubbles in the little bit of water that still remained in the tub. He is so cute!

I realized that I haven't said much about me lately and what I am up to. Well, On Thursdays I play volleyball, and my team just took second in he grass league. Visit my friend, Brittany's Blog, for a picture. I wasn't in it because I got to go see Les Mes at Tuacahn that day with work. David and I also got to go see The Sound of Music. This past week was quite eventful for me, along with seeing Les Mes and Sound of Music, I also got to go up to Girls Camp with my ward (I am still in the Young Womens program, I got released as the Pres, and am now thrilled to be the 2nd counselor) and on Saturday I went for my longest run yet of 6.3 miles. Yeah, it took me like and hour and 20 minutes to do, so not too fast, but I did it. Oh, and I totally BIT it too, on Green Springs Parkway, for those of you not familiar with St. George, it is a pretty busy road in our area. (This is the street for the Washington City freeway exit) This was my first fall running, and I am kinda feeling it today. I have been trying to get back into scrapbooking. I keep busy though, between the twins, work, church stuff, volleyball, etc. I don't have any pictures, sorry, but you probably wouldn't want to see one anyway :)

1 comment:

JenWood said...

Thats a funny story about Connor in his walker. Time goes by so fast when they are little.. enjoy ever minute with them because next thing you know they are going to be sassy toddlers. I am loving the Costco formula.. thanks for the idea!!!