Saturday, November 15, 2008

Half Marathon

Last week I (Cassie) did my first Half Marathon (13.1 miles) with Craig (David's Dad). I am so proud that I did it, I have been wanting to do one since before I got pregnant. I am not going to lie, it was tough, but I did it and I am so glad I did. They said there would be aid stations with water and Gatorade at miles 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. This was true for the most part. We had them at approximately mile 3, 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, which was all good, but then not another one until almost 11.5. I was about to DIE!!!! My first 3 miles were probably about a 10 minute mile pace. Mile 6-8 was maybe an 11 minute mile pace, and then 8-11 probably 12 minute miles. Miles 11-13 were probably like 15 minute miles. I listened to my iPod while I ran. I was using David's Garmin GPS watch which turned on fine before the race, but when I looked down to start it when the race began.... it was off, dead, NOTHING. I didn't even bring a regular watch, so I basically ran blindly (time wise) and asked random people the time. Like I said about mile 11-12, I was about to die, when Craig came back to finish the race with me. He was already done, but kind enough come back and push me (literally push me at some times) my last 2 miles. About the last quarter mile I was so dead and told him I NEVER wanted to do one of these again. He said, "you say that now, but you will change you mind." He made me pass a bunch of other ladies in the last 1/2 mile that were in front of me and then the last 100 yards were on the track of the high school, he got about 4 feet behind me and said I had to sprint to the finish, I couldn't really do it, so then he said I couldn't let him pass me, as he proceeded to sprint.... Craig is sure a great motivator! He and David have been trying to talk me into doing another half in January and the Marathon next year. Well, I still don't know that I will ever do a marathon, but I think I might try another half someday... all in all it was a good experience. I finished in about 2:33:35 at an average of 11:43 minute miles if I remember correctly. This surpassed my expectations as I was aiming to finish before 3 hours and maintain a 13 minute mile pace. As per usual my pictures were not flattering at all and nothing to brag about... in fact quite ugly. Zazoosh was there taking photos, so if you want to go view them, go here.

I should also thank my friends and family that were so supportive of my desire to do this. I had a lot of questions and people were so patient and understanding. Also, thanks to David who was SO awesome to watch the boys so much as I trained. Next up, David has the Las Vegas Marathon he is running with Heber (my brother in law).

As for the boys, they are finally starting to walk a bit more. They still crawl more than walk, but they are sure practicing a lot. I had to go to work today and David watched the kids, and when I came home, he had buzzed both their heads. Connor's, you can't really tell other than his mullet in the back is gone, but poor Skyler.... Let's just say I can't wait for it to grow back! Kudos to David for doing a great job, and taking the initiative to groom the boys, what a GREAT daddy!




Mik'L said...

The boys look good! I'm serious...I like it. And congrats again on the race. I, for one, still don't know that I will ever do another half and I did mine last summer! Good job!

Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

Great Job on the Half. I knew you could do it! They really do get easier after the first because you know what to expect and know that you can do it. Great time and again great job. The boys look really cute and older with their new hair cuts! Such cuties...and I fear for you when they can both walk because mobility = destruction!

Steffani said...

You're AMAZING girl! You go girl!! WOOP WOOP!

Dacia said...

Great job! I am amazed at anyone that can run that far! Your boys are adorable.

Sylvia said...

Congratulations on your run!! You did great! I'm sure you will try another one, it seems to be addicting once you start. Your boys look very cute with their haircuts - David did a great job.

Sylvia said...

Congratulations on your run!! You did great! I'm sure you will try another one, it seems to be addicting once you start. Your boys look very cute with their haircuts - David did a great job.

Laundry said...

Those pics are so NOT ugly!! haha. They aren't the best, but they are so far from being ugly! and you can totally run further than i will ever be able to in a life time! haha.

Brittney said...

Sounds like you are one busy women. Your kids are adorable. I can't believe how fast they have grown. Congrats on your half marathon and good luck on your next one. Brittney

Maren & Danny said...

You go girl! That is awesome! Love the haircuts-I wish I was that brave! :0)

mikeandash said...

Way to go Cassie! I didn't know you were running a half. Good job!