Friday, March 27, 2009

What is going on here?

Isn't it odd that last week I boasted about getting to put my kids in shorts and flip-flops and how cute they looked. Well this week, they are in jackets and beanies... What's the deal?

Is it just me, or does my son somewhat resemble Dopey from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? He always was my favorite, I always thought he was cute!

So, today as I was con my computer, I had to e-mail my boss, the kids were playing so quiet and good, I thought I would check my facebook. Then I realized the kids were too quiet. Which means they are in trouble, so I went to check on them, and this is what I found. Them totally covered in soil from this plan, the moss everywhere, the soil covering the WHOLE counter and the floor. These picture really do no justice to the mess they created. So what did I do... I did what any good mom would... wanted to get mad, but couldn't help taking advantage of the photo opp. Stripped the kids down, threw them in the tub and left them there while I cleaned up.


Laundry said...

wow...I never really thought of comparing your kid to a dwarf!! but now that you say something....hahaha. Dopey is my FAVORITE disney character EVER! (other than Peter Pan of course..but Dopey is pretty close to beating that... haha)

JanEtta said...

Your boys are getting so big!! I think you would benefit from having one of those redwood playsets. Our boys are out there whenever they can get out the door. We've sort of gone back to the winter season this week, so I don't want to be out there, but Simon doesn't care if he has to climb and slide down 6 inches of snow if it means he can be outside playing.

Maren & Danny said...

They are growing up so fast-crazy! Love the dopey pic- you can blackmail him with that later...:0)