Sunday, September 21, 2008

What are the boys up to?

Skyler likes to crawl through things!

The boys love to play in the empty cupboard. Skyler has taken a particular liking to it.

Skyler Has been caught MANY times crawling through the chairs. Sometimes we have to get him out.

Again with the chairs!

Connor likes to chew on things!

I have this fuzzy pink robe, and he loves to chew on it. The baby sitter has the same one, and when she is wearing it when I drop the boys off, she doesn't even have time to open the door before he b-lines it from my arms to hers.

I often find him in this laundry basket.
He was enjoying his own blanket so much, he stole Skyler's as well!

I made the boys these chewing rags and Connor will not fall asleep without it.

I had to go to the dollar store, and Connor was attracted to this pretty blue boa, best dollar I ever spent. Kept him quiet and good for like an hour of shopping.


Laundry said...

chew rags? you just wait till they need braces! haha. good idea though.

Laundry said...

hey cassie! my mom has a request! to give her any family blog sites that she is missing. haha. And do your sisters not have one? They should get one if they don't. lol

Brittney said...

I love when babies think that they can crawl anywhere that they want to and nothing bad is going to happen. they have no sense of danger. I also love how babies have such different personalities. I am so excited for volleyball. I hope that we do good this year. Britt

JenWood said...

That chew rag is a great idea.. what did you make it out of?
They are so cute, and getting so big!! HAPPY 1st Birthday today boys!!!